It’s the double chin seen ‘round the world. “Chinning” is the newest trend stealing the spotlight from the usual high-angle selfies Instagram users are used to seeing. “Chinning” is when you take a low-angled selfie with an over-exaggerated double chin. 21-year-old college student, Michelle Liu or “Chinchelle” as her nearly 100K followers know her as, is turning the tides on…
A costume without scary, Halloween makeup to complement it isn’t complete. While the heavy face paint and fake blood can help make a great costume, it can also have a negative effect on your skin. If you aren’t careful, the makeup’s ingredients can clog your pores or give you an allergic reaction. Before piling on the glitter, fake blood and…
Quinoa is not only a nutritious grain that can be used to make delicious, healthy meals, but the superfood has amazing health, skin and hair benefits. Quinoa seeds are tiny, round-shaped brown or yellow seeds. It has a nutty taste and chewy texture. This superfood is packed with high nutrients, which includes: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, calcium, zinc, protein, Manganese,…
Everyday millions of Americans expose their skin to harmful chemicals and gasses in the air. These detrimental chemicals can increase aging and leave skin dirty and clogged. While many dermatologists have created skincare products to combat the harmful environmental effects on skin not all of the products are as promising as they claim. When it comes to skincare products, you…
We would all love to look the way we looked back in our 20’s, but with age and something called “life”, our skin tends to look less elastic. Of course, we can delay the betrayal of our bodies a couple years back by using moisturizers, sunscreen, not smoking, drinking water and staying out of the sun, but sooner or later…
Although aging is inevitable, it does not mean it’s irreversible. With Thermage, you can tighten your skin and dispel worrisome wrinkles, making your skin look young again. Thermage is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses radio-frequency energy to gently heat the treatment area to tighten the underlying surface of the skin. Thermage can help you get a more youthful appearance…
DIY skincare products are becoming the newest trend. Fortunately for our pockets, a lot of these products can be made with everyday food ingredients that offer natural, therapeutic and revitalizing benefits to your skin. Here are five common skincare products that are not only dermatologist-approved, but also probably already in your kitchen cabinet: Coconut Oil – Coconut oil has recently…

Do you love to style your hair but hate being left with split ends, breakage, and dryness? Beauty sometimes comes with a price and the way you style your hair can cause dryness, lackluster color, brittleness, frizziness, breakage, split ends, thinning, and sometimes even fall out, making you look years older than you actually are. But you don’t always have…
With all of the time and energy that goes into planning a wedding, you deserve to look and feel your best on your special day. While the stress of planning a wedding is inevitable, it’s important that you take time to treat yourself because when you look good, you feel good. Here’s a look at six cosmetic procedures that are popular among…
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the myth that chocolate leads to pimples is just that – a myth. There is no medical evidence that simply eating chocolate causes acne. But before you make your way through that giant heart-shaped box of candy, be aware that a daily high-sugar/high-fat diet can promote inflammatory responses in the body, which can ultimately…