

Introducing the “New Botox,” Daxxify in Washington

Daxxify, like Botox and its competitors, is a brand new neuromodulator formulated with botulinum toxin, a chemical that comes from Clostridium botulinum. Daxxify uses daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm to achieve results similar to other wrinkle reducing neuromodulators.

Daxxify inhibits the release of a chemical called acetylcholine to block nerve signals to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle contraction, the main cause for fine lines and wrinkles. When used in small, controlled doses, Daxxify safely and easily diminishes wrinkles and may even help prevent future wrinkles from forming.

Daxxify received FDA approval in September of 2022 after rigorous testing to ensure its safety and efficacy, and clinical trial results have been incredibly impressive.

Why Choose Daxxify Cosmetic Injections?

Although Daxxify works similarly to Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport, it’s not quite the same. Daxxify has a unique formulation that uses botulinum toxin and peptides, made of amino acids, to pair perfectly together and keep this wrinkle-fighting injectable stable.

Primarily indicated for treatment of glabellar lines, which are vertical wrinkles found between your eyebrows that are also referred to as frown lines, Daxxify works best for dynamic wrinkles that are the result of repeated facial movement. Much like Botox, further uses are being studied for approval.

Daxxify is praised for its powerfully effective wrinkle reducing effects without the use of surgery or other invasive, complicated procedures, making it an excellent choice for patients who want to banish wrinkles without stress.

Can Daxxify Be Used on All Skin Types / Skin Tones?

Although not everyone is a suitable candidate for treatment, Daxxify is safe for the use of all skin colors and tones. There has not been evidence of Daxxify, Botox, and similar injectables causing harm or changes to skin tone or type.

If you have particular concerns, it’s best to work with an injector who is familiar with your specific skin type and tone, allowing you to be at ease.

What Do Daxxify Injections Feel Like?

Daxxify is a well-tolerated and fairly painless treatment. As with any cosmetic injectable, you’ll more than likely be given a topical anesthetic such as ice or numbing cream to minimize discomfort. If not, you can always request it. Daxxify can also be mixed with lidocaine, numbing your skin throughout the injection process.

Most patients report a pinching or stinging sensation, followed by a cold pressure. So, while it may not be the most comfortable experience in the world, it is quite tolerable even without a numbing agent of any kind.

The standard treatment session involves five intramuscular injections in the forehead and around the eyes, each containing eight units, for a total of 40 units. Dosage, of course, can and does vary depending on your specific needs and the severity of your wrinkles.

When Will I See Daxxify Results?

The effects of Daxxify can be seen as early as the first week of your appointment, however it does take time to reach optimal results. It can take up to a month for the full effects of Daxxify to be seen for some patients, but you will see at least minor improvement in your glabellar lines much sooner than this.

How Long Do Daxxify Results Last?

What makes this cosmetic injectable so revolutionary is how long it lasts compared to its competitors. Daxxify lasts an average of six months in the majority of patients. This is a stark contrast to how long Botox lasts, which is around three to four months. Some people have even seen Daxxify last up to nine months.

This is thanks to its powerfully effective peptides that stabilize the product, aiding it in longevity, so you can enjoy your results for much longer with fewer appointments. Additionally, patients do not develop antibodies to neutralize the effects of Daxxify, a common problem with Botox that reduces efficacy and staying power.

How Many Times Can You Get Daxxify, and How Many Treatments Are Needed for Sensational Results?

Most patients need only one Daxxify treatment once to twice per year, compared to three or four visits every year for Botox or other neurotoxic injectables. This makes Daxxify a time-saving choice for people who wish to manage and prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

Daxxify does not require repeated treatment sessions for it to take effect. While it’s not a one-and-done treatment for wrinkles, no other neuromodulators are either, and its staying power is the longest.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Botulinum toxin injections including Daxxify don’t take long. In fact, they’re often referred to as a lunchtime treatment, because they only take an hour or less and you can resume most regular activities. The injection process itself is incredibly quick and easy.

The longest part is waiting for the numbing cream to work, which can take about 20 minutes. The actual injections typically take five to 10 minutes per area. Your injector will monitor you afterward to make sure that you don’t have any negative reactions to Daxxify or the injection process. This takes about 15 minutes. Then, you’re free to go about your day.

How Long Is the Recovery After Daxxify?

Daxxify doesn’t require any downtime, and recovery is minimal, making it a stress-free procedure. There are still some steps you need to take to maximize your results and prevent side effects or complications. Your injector should give you these instructions after your appointment.

As a general rule, you should not lay down or bend over for at least four hours following your appointment. This is to prevent the spread of Daxxify, which can paralyze unintended muscles. The same goes for not applying any pressure to the injection site.

Minimizing your sun exposure is important as well. Sun damage can age your skin faster and elicit an inflammatory response which is capable of breaking down your Daxxify faster. Caring for your skin is important to get the most out of your injections.

What Are the Side Effects of Daxxify?

No cosmetic treatment is without side effects, no matter how safe or thoroughly tested it is. Daxxify hasn’t shown any unique side effects or complications.

Daxxify shares the same side effects that Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin do, the most common of which include bruising, redness, tenderness, headache, and swelling at the injection site. Most patients will only experience these minor side effects if any.

Proper aftercare recommended by your injector is key to preventing the more severe side effects that are still reversible, including spreading of the toxin or eyelid ptosis. Only a very small number of patients in clinical trials have seen these effects.

Am I a Good Candidate for Daxxify?

Daxxify has the same contraindications as Botox. Patients should be generally healthy adults with realistic expectations and mild to severe glabellar lines. Certain medications can interact negatively with Daxxify, so talk with your injector beforehand about what you take.

Medical conditions, particularly neuromuscular disorders, should be disclosed to your injector before you pursue this treatment option for your wrinkles. Daxxify can exacerbate symptoms and cause serious health complications, so be upfront and honest with your injector.

Where Is the Best Place to Get Daxxify in Washington, DC?

Interested in Daxxify, the latest and greatest Botox competitor in Washington, DC? We’re here to help! Learn about who we are and how we can help you achieve your cosmetic goals with Daxxify as soon as it’s availabel.

Contact us at (202) 664-8342 to book your consultation and stay in-the-know with Daxxify news!