
Treating acne can feel like an endless, impossible task. But, it doesn’t have to with the right resources as well as the best acne dermatologist in DC.

Keep reading to learn more about acne and how to fight it like a pro, with a pro!

To Treat Acne Successfully, You Need to First Understand the Condition

Acne doesn’t occur just to torment you, although it may seem like it at times. Acne is merely the result of overactive sebaceous glands, pumping out more sebum than your skin knows what to do with, causing and even intensifying breakouts. If all of those words sound confusing to you, you’re not alone.

Sebaceous glands are small glands found near the surface of your skin, attached to hair follicles, the tiny holes in your skin from which hair grows. These glands lubricate your hair and skin to prevent them from drying out by producing an oily substance known as sebum.

That production of sebum can get out of hand, with an excess of this oily substance mixing with dead skin cells and plugging up your follicles. Plugged follicles result in whiteheads or blackheads, and when mixed with the typically harmless bacteria on your skin, create nodules, cysts, papules, or pustules.

There are many causes that trigger this process, such as certain medications, smoking, hormonal changes, and even genetics. When it comes to taking care of acne, it’s important to determine and factor in acne causes for a better understanding of your condition and how to successfully treat it.

Here’s How to Determine the Right Acne Treatment for You

While acne is easily self-diagnosed, it’s not easily self-managed. If your case is particularly mild, you might benefit from home remedies or the occasional pimple patch, but that’s not necessarily the case for most people. Acne is notorious for being stubborn, after all.

If you’re frustrated with the endless experimentation and temporary (if any) results, then it’s time to meet with a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions relating to hair, skin, and nails. Essentially, they’re the acne experts you need to beat this frustrating skin condition.

By visiting a dermatologist, you’ll be able to not only receive accurate treatment for the type of acne you experience and probable causes for it, you’ll receive high-quality, professional acne treatment as well. A dermatologist takes the guesswork out of a never-ending guessing game.

So, stop picking at those frustrating pimples, put down that suspicious DIY face mask, and see all the ways a dermatologist can help you fight acne!

There Are Many Types of Acne Treatments Available

The world of acne treatments is vast and confusing. This is why it’s important to work with a reputable, board-certified dermatologist to determine treatment options with a high success rate for your specific case.

For mild acne, many patients benefit from dermatologist-trusted and recommended products containing either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for at-home management. Topical medications and high-quality skincare products are typically enough, but even mild acne can benefit from peels and broadband light treatments.

Moderate acne is more difficult, and it is often unresponsive to standard over-the-counter treatments. Prescription strength versions of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are available, as well as topical antibiotics and retinoids. Oral antibiotics and hormonal birth control may also be advised by your skincare specialist.

Severe acne tends to be the most stubborn and painful of them all. In this case, your dermatologist will typically offer similar treatments mentioned above but combined for maximum impact on your acne. Oral isotretinoin, a vitamin-A derived medication, is especially helpful for nodular acne cases.

A steroid injection is often beneficial for severe cases to fight acne cysts quickly and painlessly. This cortisone injection works by reducing swelling and inflammation, plus healing cysts without rupturing them.

There are also treatments that don’t discriminate and can be safely combined with other treatments, improving all types of acne. These treatments include light-based treatments such as Isolaz, Silk Peels, AviClear, chemical peels, whitehead / black head extractions, and more.

Now more than ever, it is easy to successfully treat acne with long-term relief. The right treatment, paired with lifestyle or product changes, can help you say goodbye to acne once and for all when it feels like this skin condition has permanently taken residency in your life.

It’s important to treat acne, especially severe acne, as soon as possible to prevent scarring. Don’t forget that you aren’t alone either, with over 60 million Americans of all ages, skin tones, and walks of life struggling with acne.

Schedule a Consultation With the Best Acne Dermatologist in DC Today!

Heal and renew your skin by meeting with the best acne dermatologist in Washington, DC! Our experts, Dr. Dale Isaacson, Dr. Marilyn Berzin, and Dr. Anju Pabby are here to help you determine long-term, successful treatment for even the most stubborn acne.

DC Derm Docs is up to date on our technologies, skilled in Isolaz, AviClear, and so much more. We take pride in offering exceptional quality treatments that are well researched, refusing to settle for less when we can use the best.

Whether it’s the occasional pimple that’s got you frustrated, or a long life of cystic acne, our knowledgeable team is ready and capable of helping you find the right treatment for long-lasting relief. Contact us at 202-822-9591 to learn more about our services or schedule your consultation!

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