
Can I Use Botox After Pregnancy, or Do I Need to Wait?

It’s no secret that moms have to give up a lot of things while pregnant and nursing, and they happily make those choices for the health of their babies.

If you’re about to have a baby but noticing the hard work of growing a baby seems to be aging your facial skin, you may be wondering, “Can I use Botox after pregnancy?”

So, What’s the Scoop? Can I Use Botox After Pregnancy, or Is It Not Safe?

The truth is that it’s not known exactly if and / or how Botox would affect a child during the breastfeeding stage, so we don’t know that it’s unsafe. But, we don’t know if it IS safe, either.

There just isn’t a whole lot of research on the effects of botulinum toxin on breastmilk, so it’s best to play it safe and wait until you’re no longer nursing.

The bottom line: After you’ve given birth, once you’re no longer pregnant or breastfeeding, you can resume your Botox regimen. You’ve been patient this long, so just pause cosmetic injections for a bit longer to help maintain your baby’s health.

Great News – There Are Alternative Treatments!

While you should skip injections for the time being, you don’t have to keep staring into the mirror to see wrinkles looking back at you. Options such as mild chemical peels that are salicylic acid-free and microneedling are excellent options to avoid the aging process.

For the Best Botox Results After Childbirth and Breastfeeding or Botox Alternatives for Facial Rejuvenation, Turn to DC Derm Docs!

Ready to book Botox or an alternative anti-aging treatment to help you maintain a more youthful glow now that we’ve answered your question, “Can I use Botox after pregnancy?” Then you need our experts here at DC Derm Docs, where our dermatologists specialize in rejuvenation.

Call us today at 202-822-9591 to become another one of our before-and-after success stories!

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