How Many Units of Botox Do I Need?

Botox Washington DC

“How many units of Botox do I need?” This question is a common one heard across dermatology and plastic surgeon offices all over the country.

Many patients see that Botox is typically priced based on units used, so it makes sense that patients want to have a general idea of the cost it would take to address their concerns.

However, the answer to this question is not always black and white.

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable toxin which is used to target the muscles in the face which cause wrinkles.

Botox is FDA approved to specifically target the frown lines between the eye brows and on the forehead.

How Many Units of Botox Are Used on the Forehead?

You doctor can inject up to 20 units of Botox on the horizontal forehead lines.

Additionally, your injector can apply up to 20 more units of Botox to the lines between the brows.

Where Else is Botox Applied?

Botox Washington DC can also be applied legally in the crow’s feet area of the face.

Figuring Out the Correct Units of Botox

Most injectors will start with a low dosage of Botox in order to see how you react to the toxin.

Generally, after a few weeks, your doctor can see if you may require extra units in order to achieve your ideal outcome.

Allergan, the creator of Botox Cosmetic, recommends a dosage of four units each for the five forehead areas, for a total count of 20 units used.

How Long Does Botox Last?

In most cases, Botox Washington DC tends to last about four months, but may wear off sooner.

Once you have noticed the results are fading, you should schedule a follow up appointment with your doctor.

Botox Washington DC

If you are interested in Botox Washington DC, DC Derm Docs is happy to meet with you to discuss your injection options.

Contact our office online or call us today at (202) 822-9591 to schedule your consultation.

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