Skincare Secrets for Staying Sexy in Your 60’s

Skin issues that manifested in your 50s are going to happen at a faster rate in your 60s.  Jowls, fine lines, loose skin and lip lines become more noticeable, but the biggest baddie to watch out for is skin cancer.

“Ideally, sunscreen and sun protection is your number one priority during your 60s.  You really want to protect your skin against any risk of skin cancer, or melanoma, during this time,” says Dr. Dale Isaacson.

Continue to cleanse your skin with an extremely gentle and hydrating cleanser. Additionally, opt for a moisturizer that’s dense in antioxidants and vitamin E and A.  Facial oils and sunscreens should be the last step in your skincare regimen.  “Talk to your dermatologist about any skin issues that arise in the 60s.  Additionally, get regular skin checks to catch any signs of skin cancer at early stages,” says Dr. Marilyn Berzin.

Office treatments to try include Fraxel Re:Pair and Excel V to diminish blemishes. Furthermore, a delicate application of Botox can work wonders on fine lines and wrinkles.

“The most important note about skin in your 60s and beyond is to hydrate and protect your skin to keep it healthy.  Get regular skin checks for skin diseases and maintain a healthy diet,” remarks Dr. Dale Isaacson.


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