Fall Into a New Skincare Regimen

Fall is finally upon! As the weather begins to cool, people start trading in swimsuits for sweaters and flip flops for boots, yet people seem to always forget the importance of changing their skincare routine along with their fall fashion trends. Fall weather brings a chill that often leads to cracked, dry skin. When changing your style this fall, don’t forget to adjust your skincare treatment as well. Glowing, healthy skin is the best look you can have for the fall.

Take a look at these skin care tips to add to your fall routine:

Moisturizing is a must! The dry, chilly air that comes with fall leaves your skin cracked, rough and craving moisture. While light serums and lotions were sufficient in summer, it’s important to overcome moisture deficiency with thicker creams and moisturizers to lock in skin hydration. Maximize your moisturizing by putting away bath gels and soaps and replacing them with creamy body washes. Keep your hands happy with hand cream in your purse for when you are on the go.

Extra exfoliation to eliminate dry, old skin cells is key. Cooler weather produces more dry skin cells. Exfoliating once a week is healthy to eliminate old skin and allow healthy, new skin cells to grow. Stick with oil-based scrubs to really lock in the moisture.

Don’t skip the SPF! Even though you don’t feel the strong summer sun anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t effecting your skin. Always apply sunscreen even when the rays don’t feel as harsh.

Lose the habit of licking your lips! Licking your lips doesn’t help the dryness. It only makes it worse. When you feel your lips dry and cracked, reach for lip balm to keep them from getting chapped.

To help with your fall skin care transition, try a Silkpeel for a gentle, yet effective facial. Silkpeels can get your skin ready for changing weather conditions. Silkpeels exfoliate the dead skin cells, while boosting hydration to promote healthy glowing skin.

Call DC Derm Docs to book an appointment.


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