Human Face and Golden Ratio

Have you ever wondered why certain people are considered physically attractive by virtually everyone? While beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, it turns out that there’s some science to it too.

The golden ratio is commonly used to assess facial symmetry and has even helped determine that actress Amber Heard has the most beautiful face in the world.

So, what if certain aspects of your face fall short of the golden ratio?

Continue reading to learn about this mathematical phenomenon and how Botox and dermal fillers can offer a solution.

What Is the Golden Ratio?

Phi (1.86) is an irrational number and the basis of the golden ratio. It expresses an ideal proportion of two aspects of an object, with the smaller part being approximately half of the larger part.

How Are the Golden Ratio and Human Face Connected?

The golden ratio can be used to evaluate proportions of the human face through several measurements and calculations. These include:

  • The ratio that exists between the face width and length.
  • The space between eyes and the mouth compared face length
  • The space between both eyes compared to face width
  • The space between the eyes and the bottom of the nose compared to the distance between the bottom of the nose and the chin
  • The space between the top of the nose and the center of the lips compared to the distance between the center of the lips and the bottom of the chin

Not only can these findings provide valuable information about a person’s existing level of facial symmetry, they may also as serve as an objective guide for improving facial harmony.

Achieving Golden Ratio with Botox and Fillers

Injectable treatments offer an extremely safe and effective way to enhance symmetry and achieve a more balanced, attractive appearance. In fact, a skilled and talented injector can apply Botox and dermal fillers to lift, plump, define, and smooth the face so that features line up more closely with the golden ratio.

While plastic surgery procedures require anesthesia and downtime, Botox and fillers can target and correct irregularities in a matter of minutes, without any disruption to your schedule. It’s no wonder that more patients are opting to improve facial proportions with filler-based nose jobs, chin augmentations, and facelifts.

In addition, Botox and fillers provide a temporary and non-permanent option to enhance the face. That way, if you find that you look better with a few imperfections, you can always return to your pre-treatment state.

If you want to improve your facial proportions with Botox and dermal fillers, please call DC Derm Docs today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented injectors.

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