Lipo Problems

Although liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments among women and men, it is not risk-free.

Therefore, before turning to surgery to remove stubborn fat, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and complications.

So, what exactly can go wrong with liposuctionHere are eight lipo problems you should be aware of.

8 Lipo Problems

1. Numbness

Following liposuction, patients may experience numbness in the treatment area. This side effect is often temporary and sensation will return as nerves regenerate.

However, it is possible for numbness to be a permanent issue.

2. Infection

Infection is a rare, yet potentially deadly lipo problem. In most cases, plastic surgeons will prescribe patients a course of prophylactic antibiotics to limit this risk.

3. Contour Irregularities

Contour irregularities are one of the most common lipo problems and may present as waves, bumps, or ripples in the skin. They’re usually caused by uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, or cannula-induced damage to underlying tissue.

4. Seroma

A seroma occurs when fluid accumulates beneath the skin. It can typically be drained with a needle to alleviate the problem.

5. Damage to Internal Organs

Although highly unlikely, a cannula (the thin tube used to extract fat) can puncture internal organs during liposuction. If this were to happen, the patient would require immediate surgery to repair the damage.

6. Fat Embolism

Fat embolism is one of the most dangerous lipo problems and should be treated as a medical emergency. It is the result of fat forming a clot in a blood vessel and then traveling to the lungs or brain.

7. Kidney and Heart Complications

Tumescent liposuction involves administering large amounts of fluid to numb the treatment area and then suctioning it out during the fat removal process.

This can potentially pose a problem, as large shifts in fluids can cause significant harm to heart, kidneys, and lungs.

8. Lidocaine Toxicity

Lidocaine is an anesthetic that is combined with saline and infused under the skin during liposuction. Although it’s a very safe substance, patients do run a small risk of lidocaine toxicity, which can compromise functioning of the heart and central nervous system.

If you are considering liposuction and want to learn more about non-surgical alternatives, such as Emsculpt or Sculpsure, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced providers.

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