EmSculpt Review: Is It Worth It?

Patients can finally achieve sculpted abdomens and toned buttocks without countless hours at the gym. Emsculpt is the first body contouring treatment that can build muscle and burn fat to shape and define the abdomen. Its ground-breaking technology also makes Emsculpt the world’s only non-invasive butt-lift.

While these unprecedented benefits are very appealing, it’s important for patients to understand exactly how Emsculpt works and determine if the treatment is right for them.

So, is Emsculpt really worth it?  Here’s what you need to know about this new and innovative technology.

What Is Emsculpt and How Does It Work?

Emsculpt is the only treatment that can build muscle and melt fat, and the first to use High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy in body contouring. 

Unlike cryo or thermal lipolysis, Emsculpt’s HIFEM technology initiates supramaximal muscle contractions that cause the rapid release of fatty acids and destruction of adipose cells.

These powerful contractions also result in deep remodeling of muscle tissue to shape and sculpt the abdomen and buttocks.

Can Emsculpt Really Build Muscle?

In seven independent studies, patients experienced a 16 percent average increase in muscle mass with Emsculpt. Many aesthetic experts believe that Emsculpt’s ability to build muscle can significantly improve the shape of the body, posture, core strength, and overall well-being.

Additionally, Emsculpt could work well for those that had poor results with other contouring treatments that did address weak muscles beneath fat.

Is Emsculpt an Effective Alternative to a Brazilian Butt Lift or Injectable Butt Augmentation?

Emsculpt is an excellent option for women that want to lift, tone, and strengthen their buttocks without surgery or injections.

It’s able to re-contour muscles and increase buttock profile, and patients consistently feel their butts lifted up after an Emsculpt treatment.

Does It Help with Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation)?

In addition to toning the abdomen and lifting the buttocks, Emsculpt can help women that have a post-pregnancy pooch due to diastasis recti. In fact, clinical data has shown an 11 percent average reduction in diastasis recti after Emsculpt.

As a result, DC Derm Docs became the first medical practice in Washington DC to offer Emsculpt as a non-surgical mommy makeover offer.

With all of these benefits and a 96 percent patient satisfaction score in independent studies (plus 100% patient satisfaction on RealSelf), Emsculpt has the science, reliable results, comfort, and convenience that make it a very worthwhile treatment.

For additional information on Emsculpt, please call DC Derm Docs today to schedule an appointment. 

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