What It’s Like to Get Jawline Botox

Men and women that suffer from teeth grinding and jaw clenching often wake up with pain and headaches. This soreness can progress throughout the day to affect the neck and shoulders and cause constant discomfort.

In the search for relief, many patients are surprised to learn that Botox may be an unlikely, yet extremely effective solution. Although it’s most well-known as a cosmetic treatment, Botox has numerous medical uses, including the treatment of teeth grinding.

So, can Botox stop your teeth grinding and headaches? Here’s what patients need to know about jawline Botox.

Why Do Patients Seek Jawline Botox?

Men and women often seek jawline Botox for relief from headaches, jaw soreness, and neck pain associated with teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This condition is known as bruxism, and it can cause ongoing disturbance in a patient’s daily functioning.

Additionally, overactive jaw muscles can cause swelling and a wider facial appearance. Botox is able to reduce this cosmetic concern and help patients achieve a slimmer face and refined jawline.

How Does Botox Deter Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching?

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching are rooted in the muscles involved in jaw movement known as the masseter and temporalis muscles. Botox inhibits contraction of these muscles to limit their force and weaken the patient’s bite.

What to Expect from Botox Injections to the Jawline?

Prior to treatment, providers may try to uncover the underlying cause of the patient’s teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Contributing factors include TMJ, hormonal disorders, sleep disturbances, stress, and certain medications.

As for the actual procedure, the patient’s bite is assessed and then a series of Botox injections are administered to the masseter and/or temporalis muscles with an ultra-fine needle.

When Can Results Be Noted?

It can take several days to note a reduction in teeth grinding and clenching, but within two-to-four weeks jaw soreness, headaches, and neck pain should be drastically reduced.

However, additional time is required for muscle tone to decrease and produce a slimmer, more angular face and improved jawline.

Effects of jawline Botox can last for four-to-six months.

For additional information on jawline Botox, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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