Emsculpt DC: Non-Invasive Fat Removal, Muscle Enhancement, and Butt Lift

Despite our best efforts, we are sometimes unable to tone and sculpt our bodies through diet and exercise alone. This is especially true of the abdomen, which can experience a redistribution of fat and weakening of muscles with age, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations.

Fortunately, BTL Aesthetics has created Emsculpt, an FDA-approved body contouring treatment that burns fat and builds muscle without surgery, exercise, or downtime. It’s also pain-free and can add definition to the abdomen and lift buttocks with a 30-minute treatment.

Keep reading to learn how Emsculpt’s cutting edge technology can help you reach your body goals in a way that the gym and current body contouring procedures cannot.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is an excellent option for anyone that wants to eliminate unwanted fat, increase muscle tone, and improve their physique. It works particularly well for men and women that are already physically fit and hope to enhance the results of their workouts.

Emsculpt also offers a non-surgical alternative for patients that are interested in improving the size, shape, and positioning of their buttocks.

How Can Emsculpt Burn Fat and Build Muscle Without Surgery?

Emsculpt has the unique ability to destroy fat cells and increase muscle mass without surgery, incisions, or anesthesia. It’s also completely non-invasive and uses electromagnetic field energy to penetrate through skin and initiate a series of 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions.

These forced contractions are unlike anything that patients can achieve with regular exercise. Consequently, they have the power to increase fat metabolism through lipolysis and promote muscle growth.

Post-treatment, patients may be slightly sore as if they just completed an intense abdominal or gluteal workout. However, Emsculpt requires absolutely no downtime, and men and women can return to their busy lives right away.

What Are the Benefits of Emsculpt?

Unlike other body contouring treatments, Emsculpt can target both fat and muscle without pain or anesthesia. As a result, it sculpts and tightens abdominal muscles, reduces up to 19 percent of stubborn fat, lifts and firms the buttocks, and decrease the waistline up to 1.5 inches.

These benefits are possible following a series of four Emsculpt treatments that are spaced two-to-three days apart. Results become visible two-to-four weeks after the last session and continue to improve over the next three-to-six months.

If you want to define your abs or learn more about Emsculpt’s non-invasive butt lift treatment, contact our office today for a full consultation.

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