The Non-Invasive, Pain-Free, and Zero-Downtime Treatment for Burning Fat and Building Muscle

The Non-Invasive Way to Burn Fat

Emsculpt is a revolutionary body contouring treatment that’s in a class of its own. This non-surgical, pain-free, and zero-downtime procedure is the only FDA-approved device that can simultaneously destroy fat and build muscle.

Additionally, Emsculpt has the distinction of being the world’s first non-invasive butt lift and is an excellent alternative to a surgical or injectable butt augmentation.

So, how can you burn find and strengthen muscle without sweating it out at the gym or following restrictive diet? 

Here’s how Emsculpt can help you achieve your body goals with a more toned abdomen and firmer buttocks.

How Does Emsculpt Destroy Fat and Increase Muscle Mass?

Emsculpt uses an innovative technology known as high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to contract muscles in a way that’s not possible with exercise.

More specifically, this electromagnetic force is transmitted to the body and initiates a series of different patterns of muscle contractions that cause muscle hypertrophy and increased fat metabolism through lipolysis.

Who Can Benefit From Emsculpt Body Contouring?

Healthy men and women that want to eliminate unwanted fat from their abdomen, strengthen their core, and lift and firm their buttocks can benefit from Emsculpt.

This treatment is also well-suited for patients that are already physically fit and looking to take their bodies to the next level.

What Kind of Results Can Patients Expect From Emsculpt?

Emsculpt has undergone rigorous testing to gain FDA-clearance, and seven independent studies with more that 200 patients have been conducted to confirm the treatment’s efficacy.

Moreover, Emsculpt results were evaluated through before and after photos, tape measurements, and imaging (MRI, CT, Ultrasound) and analysis demonstrated:

  • 19% reduction in subcutaneous fat
  • 16% increase in muscle mass
  • 1.5-inch circumferential reduction in waistline
  • 11% improvement in diastasis recti
  • 96% patient satisfaction rating

How Many Treatments of Emsculpt Are Recommended?

For optimal fat reduction, toning, and lifting, a series of four Emsculpt treatments spaced two-to-three days apart is recommended. 

Results become visible within two-to-four weeks and peak at three months. However, patients can still experience improvement for up to 6 months post-procedure.

To learn more about eliminating fat and building muscle with Emsculpt in DC, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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