Do I Need Medical or Cosmetic Dermatology in Washington DC?

Depending on your individual skin concerns you may require either medical or cosmetic dermatology in Washington DC.

However, it can be confusing to figure out which service you need in order to determine the kind of doctor you should be seeking out.

What Is Cosmetic Dermatology?

A cosmetic dermatologist is someone who treats patients for aesthetic reasons such as wrinkles, sagging skin, discoloration and volume loss.

This is generally the person you would see for Botox injections, microneedling or anti-aging skincare products.

What Is Medical Dermatology?

A medical dermatologist will generally be more focused on the health of your skin to address any injuries or medical concerns such as skin cancer.

You would generally see a medical dermatologist for annual skin cancer checks, acne or mole removal.

Combining Medical and Cosmetic Dermatology

Fortunately, there are some dermatology practice that are specially trained to offer a full range of services including medical and cosmetic dermatology for their patients.

This is a great benefit to anyone with a range of medical and cosmetic concerns who is hoping to be treated in one office location by the same dermatology doctor.

Moreover, by offering a full range of services you can rest assured that your doctor is looking out for the full benefits for your overall skin health during your visit.

Medical and Cosmetic Dermatology in Washington DC

At DC Derm Docs We specialize in both cosmetic and general medical dermatology.

Our goal is to offer a wide range of the latest and most effective non-invasive procedures to treat your concerns and enhance your appearance.

That is why we offer many traditional medical services such as acne treatments and general dermatology combined with some of the hottest aesthetic services such as Botox and filler for our patients.

To learn more about the services we offer, visit our website today or call us to schedule your consultation at (202)822-9591.

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