Why Isn’t My Botox Lasting Long Enough?

“Why isn’t my Botox lasting long enough?” This is a question that many patients do not want to be asking themselves.

After all, the reason why Botox is so popular is that its effects on our wrinkles are so impressive.

This is why we are delving into why your Botox may not be lasting as long as you like and highlighting what you can do to make it last longer.

How Long Should Botox Last?

Most patients should expect their Botox treatment results to last around four months.

The Short Answer

The short answer to the question “why isn’t my Botox lasting long enough” is that you are likely being under injected.

However, before you ring up your injector to demand a refund, know that in many cases Botox has a learning curve.

For example, if you have stronger muscles than most you may be someone who simply requires a higher dose of Botox to get the results you want.

How Much Botox Do I Need?

On average, a person should require around 64 units of Botox to best treat the forehead, frown lines and crow’s feet areas.

Are You Male or Female?

If you are a male and your Botox is not lasting as long as you prefer, you likely require more units injected.

In fact, men often require up to 50 to 100 percent more Botox than their female counterparts.

You and Your Injector

Another reason why your injector may have injected too little into your face is that you may have insisted on the “less is more” philosophy in order to look overdone.

It is important to have an open conversation with your injector about how much is required for your individual face to get you the natural results you want.

Where to Find a Skilled Injector

It is lastly very important to work with an injector who is highly skilled to properly inject Botox to get the results you are hoping for.

If you are looking for an experienced injector in your area, call us today at DC Derm Docs to schedule a consultation for your Botox injections, (202)822-9591.

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