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Hair Loss Guide by Dermatologists in DC: Common Causes and Treatment

Hair Loss Guide by Dermatologists in DC: Common Causes and Treatment

Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue. Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave you feeling helpless. Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and may not treat the underlying medical problems. There are several factors that can trigger…

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Do you know what’s in your skincare?

Do you know what’s in your skincare?

Everyday millions of Americans expose their skin to harmful chemicals and gasses in the air. These detrimental chemicals can increase aging and leave skin dirty and clogged. While many dermatologists have created skincare products to combat the harmful environmental effects on skin not all of the products are as promising as they claim. When it comes to skincare products, you…

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Dermatologists in DC List Skincare Products You Can Find in Your Pantry

Dermatologists in DC List Skincare Products You Can Find in Your Pantry

DIY skincare products are becoming the newest trend. Fortunately for our pockets, a lot of these products can be made with everyday food ingredients that offer natural, therapeutic and revitalizing benefits to your skin. Here are five common skincare products that are not only dermatologist-approved, but also probably already in your kitchen cabinet: Coconut Oil – Coconut oil has recently…

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