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Dr. Marilyn Berzin Talks About Looking “Red Carpet Ready” on the Valder Beebe Show

Not everyone gets to be a celebrity, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all look like we just won an…

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Smokers’ Skin may age Faster than Non-Smokers’ Skin

If the risk of cancer, heart attacks or strokes is not enough to deter you from smoking, the damage it…

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Don’t Let the Cold Winter Air Dry Out Your Skin

Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Winter’s on its way! It might just be October, but the colder weather can wreak havoc…

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New Study: Poor Sleep Quality Linked to Premature Skin Aging

If you want to have soft, glowing skin like a baby, you need to sleep like a baby!  A recent…

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Vanquish: The Pain-Free Way to Lose up to Two to Three Inches

Finally!  If you want to drop a dress size or more and get liposuction-like results without surgery, there’s a brand new,…

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Welcome to the “Brotox” Era

Surprisingly, it's not just female celebrities like Joan Rivers who turn to Botox as the magic cure for turning back…

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Consistent sunscreen use slows aging in middle-aged adults

Did you know new research provides some of the strongest evidence that daily sunscreen use slows skin aging? Dermatologists have long…