Can’t Shake Your Flakes? Here’s Why.

Is your skin both oily and dry? Believe it or not, the issue lies in your products and habits, not your skin. This time of year is often characterized by oily, shiny skin, but for many, their problems don’t stop there. Speaking from experience, I know how difficult it can be to crack this code. It seems like just as you found the right product to fix your oily skin and you’re feeling accomplished, your dry spots are there to remind you that you’re not quite there yet. The reality of it is, it’s impossible to have both oily and dry skin at the same time. The real problem is that your skin is dehydrated, not dry. This means that rather than there being a lack of oil in your skin, there is a lack of moisture.

So here are the roots behind the mystery:

  1. Your facial cleanser is too harsh

    Many of what are believed to be the most effective face washes are harmful because they are formulated with ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or alcohol that suck up the moisture in the skin. In the end, it’s just a never ending cycle of washing your face then reapplying moisturizer to put back in your skin what you just stripped it of. It is both ineffective and a waste of your time.

  2. Too much sun exposure

    Huh, who would have thought that the sun is what’s causing your dehydration? Well get this, just a little sun goes a long way in contributing to those flakes you can’t shake. Prolonged exposure can lead to more than just dry skin, it can result in damaged, irreversible skin.

  3. The wrong products

    Often what you’re using to try to combat the flaky skin is what’s causing it. Excessive moisturizing and the wrong makeup will only reduce the problem for short periods of time. It’s like an embarrassing childhood photo that you know will eventually resurface.

Here’s what you can do to fix it:

  1. Hyaluronic acid and glycerin

    These two humectants are recognized for putting the moisture back in dehydrated skin. They both are for topical use, easy to apply, and almost always found to be effective!

  2.  Water

    You’ve probably heard once or twice that water is nature’s most underrated superfood, and this is TRUE. Water is so amazing it could probably bring about world peace. So be sure to be getting in your eight 8-ounce glasses each day for healthy, glowing, hydrated skin.

  3. Sunscreen

    If you want to stop the problem before it becomes a problem, sunscreen is the answer. By applying sunscreen you are preventing sunburns and sun damage which will keep the natural moisture in your skin where it’s supposed to be.

Give your skin the water break it deserves this summer and take these tips to heart, your skin will thank you for it!


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