
New reports of vaccine side effects have had many asking their injectors the question “are dermal fillers safe with COVID-19 vaccine?

About The Vaccine

The Moderna vaccine was approved through an emergency authorization by the FDA on December 18.

The Side Effects

During the studies of this vaccine, it was noted that two patients developed swelling in the face.

These patients were observed to both have undergone filler injections prior to this reaction.

Moreover, a third patient presented with swelling in the lips two days following their vaccination.

This patient had also received lip injections before being vaccinated.

Are Dermal Fillers Safe with COVID-19 Vaccine?

Understandably, the news of these reactions has many patients concerned about a potential reaction between fillers and the Moderna vaccine.

According to the experts, this is not a serious side effect as it was seen in so few patients.

Additionally, these side effects are not extreme in nature and are easily remedied through antihistamines and prednisone.

What Causes COVID-19 Side Effects?

While the exact mechanism causing this reaction is not yet known, many professionals believe it is an inflammatory response.

However, it is not abnormal for a vaccine to trigger a swelling reaction.

In fact, common viruses such as the common cold and influenza have been known to prompt a swelling response in patients.

Other vaccinations have been found to trigger temporary swelling for dermal filler patients in the past.

The Bottom Line

Localized swelling for filler patients receiving the vaccine is a very mild and infrequent side effect.

As a result, health professionals do not believe that filler patients should be nervous about receiving the vaccine when their time comes.

DC Derm Docs

At DC Derm Docs we are proud to offer the latest and greatest technologies and treatments to help you achieve your ideal aesthetic.

Call us today to schedule a consultation with a member of our team, (202)822-9591.

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