5 Reasons Why the Cannula Is Safer Than a Needle

It has been common practice over the years that dermal fillers are injected using the standard provided needle.

However, you may have heard that many doctors are using a cannula to inject their patients.

Is cannula safer than a needle? Below are five reasons why your injector should be using a cannula over a needle.

  • Less Poking and Prodding: A cannula is able to reenter the same entry point created by a needle without you having to suffer through multiple needle pricks.
  • Safer Contact: Due to the blunt nature of the cannula, it is less likely to hit a vein or artery
  • Less Bruising or Swelling: A cannula is able to push aside veins and arteries minimizing risk for bruising or swelling.
  • Your Doctor Can Feel Everything: The nature of the cannula presents the opportunity for your doctor to have firm grasp on the areas under the skin surface which they would like to avoid such as arteries or veins.
  • Cannulas Go the Distance: Cannulas are longer than traditional needles and thus are able to reach further in to the skin. This minimizes the amount of entry points needed to treat the skin.

DC Derms Docs

At the end of the day, the most important decision you can make when deciding to get dermal fillers is to seek the services of a trained physician and staff who understand which filler and treatment method is best for you based on your individual needs.

DC Derm Docs are highly skilled in treating patients through dermal fillers and are able to answer all of your questions surrounding the benefits of cannula vs. needles.

To schedule a consultation today visit our website or call us at (202)822-9591.

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