Why Are Men Turning To Laser Treatments?

Today’s man has become cosmetically conscious. He too wants to look and feel good and is turning to cosmetic procedures for some help. When it comes down to treatments, men are often comfortable trying ones that are non-invasive, less time-consuming and have minimal side effects. Laser treatments have become the go-to procedure for most men, providing quick results and little downtime. Here are a few problem areas that have men turning to lasers for a quick fix:

Unwanted Hair – Testosterone levels can cause men to have thicker and highly pigmented hair leaving some with an embarrassing natural fur. Laser hair removal is an effective and popular treatment for men to rid their bodies of excess hair and allows them to avoid painful waxing or frequent shaving.

Excess Fat – Men tend to store more fat in the abdominal region. Even with diet and exercise, men can still bear belly fat that may be hard to lose. Body contouring laser treatments are a great option for men looking to get rid of those trouble spots quickly with minimal pain.

Facial Redness (Rosacea) – Men carry more facial blood vessels compared to women. Pulse dye lasers and Intense pulsed light lasers are great for targeting multiple forms of redness, which typically includes pink discoloration and dilated capillaries. It is completely safe, pain free with little recovery time making it an appealing treatment for men.

Wrinkles, Scars and Spots (Oh my!) – The appearance of wrinkles, broken capillaries or irregular brown spots can have some men looking much older than they feel. Laser resurfacing is a great option to treat wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, rhytids, sunspots and melasma. Treatment only takes a few minutes and the results are immediate.

With these advanced, noninvasive laser treatments that are quick and pain free, it’s no wonder why they are a popular choice among men. Check out more information about treatments for men at DC Derm Docs.

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