What Doctor Do I See for Hormonal Acne?

The truth is, you can experience hormonal acne anytime between your teens and your 40s – or even older! The condition can be unpredictable, but you can combat this troublesome condition with the right ally! So, the answer to your question, “What doctor do I see for hormonal acne,” is an experienced dermatologist offering treatments like an acne silk peel.

What Exactly Is a Dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a board-certified medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails 

They have expertise in a wide range of dermatological issues in addition to acne, including hair loss, skin cancer, nail psoriasis, and so much more. They provide medical and surgical treatments to promote dermatological health and often address cosmetic issues as well.

How Can I Find the Right Dermatologist for Hormonal Acne?

This is an important decision. Remember to gather as much information as you can before making your decision. Follow these steps to find a qualified dermatologist:

  • Ask for referrals. Start by asking your primary care provider for recommendations. They may refer you to a dermatologist with expertise in hormonal acne. You can also check with family, friends, online communities, or other trustworthy people. 
  • Check with insurance. Confirm that the dermatologist you choose accepts your insurance plan to minimize out-of-pocket costs.
  • Research. Search online using keywords like “dermatologist specializing in hormonal acne” along with your location. Look for reputable providers with overall positive reviews and ratings.
  • Book consultations. Schedule visits with potential dermatologists to discuss your concerns and treatment options. Don’t forget to prepare for your dermatology appointment
  • Ask questions: During your initial visit, ask about their experience, treatment approaches, success stories, and any patient reviews or before / after photos.

What Is Hormonal Acne, and How Is It Diagnosed?

Hormonal acne is a type of acne that develops due to hormonal fluctuations, particularly an increase in androgens (male hormones) in both males and females. 

It’s often linked to menstrual cycles, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and other conditions related to hormonal imbalances. The common symptom is deep and painful pimples, typically along the jawline, chin, and / or lower face. 

Your dermatologist will make a diagnosis based on clinical examination, medical history, and patterns of acne breakouts. In some cases, blood tests may be conducted to evaluate hormone levels and confirm hormonal imbalances contributing to acne.

Can Hormonal Acne Be Treated?

Yes, it can. Your treatment is determined by your diagnosis and based on the severity of your acne. Keep in mind your dermatologist may suggest more than one option for optimal results. Now that you know the answer to your question, “What doctor do I see for hormonal acne,” let’s take a look at what they might recommend for clear skin. 

Treatments typically include birth control pills (for females), prescription topical and / or oral medications like spironolactone, antibiotics, and tretinoin. It is possible you may also benefit from therapies like microneedling, IPL (intense pulsed light), chemical peels, or a HydraFacial. 

Your dermatologist might also suggest lifestyle changes such as dietary adjustments, stress management, and a skincare routine tailored to acne-prone skin.

Does AviClear Help With Hormonal Acne?

AviClear is a revolutionary FDA-approved laser that addresses mild to severe acne by precisely targeting the skin’s oil glands, eliminating the need for topical or oral acne medications. It is safe for all skin types and is completely chemical free.

Hormonal Acne Treatment Can Be Quite Successful, but It Takes Time

Patience and consistency are key! It may take four to six weeks to notice skin improvement. It’s essential to persist with treatment even if results aren’t immediately noticeable, as continued treatment helps prevent new acne breakouts.

It may go away on its own, but that’s almost impossible to predict. The importance of seeing a dermatologist for treatment that addresses the cause and not just the symptoms cannot be stressed enough. As a reminder, when you find something that works, stick to it to prevent future breakouts. 

How Can Hormonal Acne Be Prevented?

First and foremost, you should always follow the advice of your dermatologist. Trust them to instruct you on how to properly care for your skin. There are a few quick takeaways on acne prevention to help in the meantime.

Wash your face twice a day and no more unless necessary. Overwashing isn’t good for your skin, and neither is underwashing.

You should also be mindful of the amount of product you use. A pea size amount is a good rule of thumb. Use only noncomedogenic products. 

Don’t forget sunscreen! If you’re not in the habit of using it daily, now is the perfect time to start. Aim for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and yes, you do need it even on cloudy days. 

You Know the Answer to Your Question, “What Doctor Do I See for Hormonal Acne,” so Now It’s Time to Call DC Derm Docs!

We understand how difficult it can be to treat acne on your own. It’s a skin condition that can not only be painful but can impact your self-esteem as well. Make today the day you stop fighting this battle alone. 

Our board-certified dermatologists have years of experience treating all skin conditions, including hormonal acne. We offer both medical and cosmetic services and use the most advanced technology to ensure your skin stays healthy. 

Call us now at 202-822-9591 to book your appointment and experience what our satisfied patients already know – acne can be effectively treated, and beautiful, clear skin is achievable! With us, you can count on compassionate, top-notch care.

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