Thermage: 6 Things You Can Do to Get the Most From Your Treatment

For over 10 years, plastic surgeons and dermatologists have been using Thermage to tighten loose skin on the face and body.

Thermage is a non-surgical procedure that can be performed in as little as 30 minutes in your doctor’s office. Furthermore, patients can obtain firmer and more youthful skin with only one treatment.

While Thermage has proven to be a safe and reliable non-invasive device, experts recommend that patients follow these 6 steps to get the most form their treatment.

1. Become Familiar With the Thermage Process

Thermage heats the skin with radiofrequency to strengthen existing collagen and stimulate new collagen. The treatment can be performed on the eyelids, forehead, cheeks, under the chin, neck, and other parts of the body.

There is no downtime with Thermage because the device focuses energy on deeper layers of the skin, leaving the outermost layers unharmed. Patients may experience some minor swelling, bruising, redness, or blisters that usually subside in a few days.

2. Make Sure That You Are a Good Candidate

Thermage can treat mild-to-moderate skin laxity on the face and body. However, a patient with severely sagging skin would not be a good candidate.

Additionally, Thermage is not recommended for individuals with thick layers of fat or loose muscles, as the device is not equipped to correct these issues.

3. Receive Pre-Procedure Instructions From Your Provider

During your consultation for Thermage, make sure that your provider is aware of your current skincare regimen. Patients may be advised to discontinue certain products several days before and after the procedure.

4. Be Prepared for Some Mild Discomfort

Most patients find Thermage to be a mildly uncomfortable treatment. If you have a low pain threshold, your doctor can provide a topical or an oral anesthetic prior to the procedure.

During the treatment, the provider uses a handpiece with a square tip to administer pulses of radiofrequency. With each pulse, patients may feel a stinging sensation, followed by cooling.

5. Schedule Enough Time for Your Treatment

The amount of time needed for a Thermage session often depends on the type and number of areas being treated. Patients can expect to be at the office for anywhere between 30 mins to one-and-a-half hours.

All normal activities may be resumed immediately after the procedure.

6. Manage Your Expectations

Thermage results appear gradually, so it’s important to be patient. While some patients may note early contracture, others may not see any lifting or tightening for several months.

The full effects are usually visible at six months.

If you are interested in learning more about Thermage or other skin tightening treatments, please call DC Derm Docs today to schedule an appointment.

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