Survey Reveals Attitude Shift in Favor of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

When it comes to skincare, a lot can change in 10 years. A recent survey by Wakefield Research shows that the same can be said for women’s opinions on cosmetic procedures. A recent survey by Wakefield Research states that 91% of women consider non-surgical cosmetic procedures more acceptable now than 10 years ago.

Women today are not as afraid to admit that feeling beautiful can take a little bit of “work.” In fact, taking control of the anti-aging process and getting a non-surgical cosmetic procedure is now a form of self-empowerment. A surprising example of just how much attitudes have shifted? American women report that they would actually feel more comfortable revealing their cosmetic treatments than their weight.

Dermatologists explain that one reason patients are more likely to be open to non-surgical cosmetic procedures is because of significant advances in the technology. Laser skin resurfacing has been transformed by Fraxel technology, which was introduced ten years ago as a pioneer in fractional laser treatments.

Fraxel technology delivers outstanding results. It is constantly being improved upon to provide breakthrough, natural looking results. It is rare to find such a big game changer in the skincare industry, but Fraxel technology is just that. The non-surgical cosmetic procedure has amazing outcomes for different ages and various skin types, and patient downtime usually is minimal.

The Fraxel re:store DUAL Laser is the most advanced, innovative laser ever made for cosmetic procedures and it is available in the DC Derm Docs office. Book an appointment with Dr. Isaacson or Dr. Berzin today by calling (202) 822-9591.

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