SculpSure vs. CoolSculpting: Comparing the 2 Treatments

Non-invasive body contouring treatments have become increasingly popular and wide-reaching over the past several years.

While there are a number of options for patients to choose from, CoolSculpting and SculpSure are the most well-known and highly regarded amongst aesthetic experts and patients.

These two treatments have quite a few similarities, but also some key differences in their treatment process and time, patient experience, and results.

So, which one is a better choice for you?

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and crystallize fat cells. These cells are then naturally eliminated from the body over the course of 12 weeks.

What Is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a laser-based device that applies heat to rupture fat cells, which are removed by the lymphatic system.

What Areas Can Be Treated with Coolsculpting and SculpSure?

Both CoolSculpting and SculpSure can treat pockets of fat on the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs, and chin.

In addition, CoolSculpting is able to reduce fat on the upper arms and knees.

How Does the Treatment Process Compare for Each Device?

Both treatments are hands-free, meaning that the device can be attached to the patient without the need for a provider to remain in the room.

Additionally, CoolSculpting and SculpSure deliver cold and heat, respectively, through applicators of varying sizes and shapes.

Most CoolSculpting applicators will suction pinchable fat and hold it there throughout the course of the treatment.

Comparatively, SculpSure is secured directly to the patient’s skin and doesn’t require fat to be drawn directly into an applicator.

Freezing Sensation vs. Feeling of Warmth

Most patients find both treatments fairly comfortable. During CoolSculpting, patients experience a very cold sensation and some numbness and tingling afterwards.

SculpSure causes a feeling of warmth with slight stinging, and the skin may present similar to a mild sunburn post-procedure.

Comparing Treatment Times

CoolSculpting treatments can range from 35 minutes for many body parts to 75 minutes for each outer thigh or hip.

While all SculpSure sessions last 25 minutes, treatment time can be longer depending on the number of areas being targeted.

Any Difference in Results?

Clinical trials have demonstrated that both devices can reduce up to 24 percent of fat cells after just one treatment.

Additionally, CoolSculpting and SculpSure may require one-to-two treatments to yield optimal results.

Ultimately, a patient’s anatomy may determine which device fits best and will provide a better outcome.

To schedule your SculpSure treatment in Washington DC, call DC Derm Docs to schedule today.

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