SculpSure: FDA-Approved for Use on Double Chins

We all have a part of our face or body that shows weight gain more prominently.

For many patients, it’s their double chin, and until recently, there have been a limited number options for treating this area.

Fortunately, SculpSure is now FDA-approved to target and eliminate submental fat and reduce a double chin.

What Is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a noninvasive treatment that heats and destroys fat cells, which are naturally cleared from the body by the lymphatic system. The SculpSure device operates at a specific temperature and only affects the fat cells, leaving the surrounding structures and skin unharmed.

Since 2015, SculpSure has been effectively eliminating up to 24 percent of fat in the abdomen and flanks, and is now FDA-cleared to treat the submental fat of a double chin.

Who’s a Candidate Sculpsure’s Double Chin Treatment?

Individuals with mild to moderate submental fat are good candidates for SculpSure’s double chin treatment.

While most body contouring devices are FDA-cleared to treat patients with a BMI less that 30, SculpSure has received FDA-approval to treat submental fat in individuals with a BMI of 43 or below.

What’s the Sculpsure Protocol for Eliminating Submental Fat?

SculpSure is a non-invasive procedure that lasts 25 minutes per session. For the double chin, it’s recommended that patients receive two treatments spaced six weeks apart.

Post-Care Instructions

Most patients find SculpSure to be a very comfortable treatment with no downtime. All normal activities can be resumed immediately after.

Some individuals may experience a stinging or burning sensation and bruising of the treatment area. These side effects are usually mild and resolve quickly.

SculpSure Results

Clinical trials for SculpSure’s treatment of submental fat had a 100 percent patient satisfaction rate and showed significant improvement in the size and contours of a double chin.

Patients can begin to notice a reduction in their double chin six weeks after the first treatment.

To learn more about SculpSure and other treatments to eliminate a double chin, please call DC Derm Docs today to schedule an appointment.

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