Read My Lips: How Volbella Can Create the Perfect Pout

Dermal Filler options have expanded significantly over the past several years to the point that there is now a product that can meet almost any patient’s goals.

In fact, Volbella is one of the latest injectable-gels that offers patients a way to achieve fuller lips and smooth lines around the mouth, with extremely natural results.

If you’ve been thinking about enhancing your lips and are looking for a “less is more approach,” keep reading to learn how Volbella can create the perfect pout.

Volbella – What Is It?

Volbella is one of the newest hyaluronic acid lip fillers on the market and is a member of the Juvederm family of products. It earned FDA-approval in May 2016 for subtle lip augmentation and correction of perioral lines around the mouth (vertical lip lines).

How Can Volbella Create the Perfect Pout?

Not only is Volbella comprised of hyaluronic acid, which is a hydrating, volumizing, and naturally-occurring substance in the body, but it’s also constructed with Allergan’s proprietary Vycross technology.

This feature is important because it creates a tight and cross-linked injectable gel for soft, smooth lips and long-lasting results.

What’s the Procedure Like?

The Volbella procedure is quick, tolerable, and has zero-downtime. It can be performed in approximately 30 minutes and includes the application of a topical anesthetic to improve patient comfort.

Once the lips and mouth have been photographed and the injection sites have been properly cleansed and numbed, Volbella lip filler is administered as a series of injections with an ultrafine needle. Patients do not feel much of anything during the treatment, though some report a slight pinching sensation.

The product is then massaged and results are evaluated.

How Soon Can Patients See Results from Volbella Lip Injections?

Volbella lip filler results are immediate, but it can take up to two weeks to see final treatment effects. Patients may also experience swelling during the first 24-48 hours after undergoing injections.

How Long Do Treatment Effects Last?

After having a Volbella treatment, patients can expect smoothing of vertical lip lines and naturally fuller, softer lips for up to one year. This is longer than most comparable lip filler products.

If you are hoping to achieve the perfect pout, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly-skilled and talented injectors.

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