PRP Hair Restoration for Men

Are you in your 30s or 40s and bothered by hair loss and balding? Maybe you’ve noticed thinning and shedding in your late 20s?

If this is you, you are not alone. Like many man, you may be concerned about hair follicle miniaturization, which can affect appearance and self-esteem.

Fortunately, PRP hair restoration for men offers a natural way to regenerate healthy hair follicles. Here’s what patients can expect should they decide to undergo this non-surgical procedure for hair loss.

What Is PRP Hair Restoration for Men?

PRP hair restoration for men is a non-surgical treatment that harvests platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s blood to naturally stimulate hair growth.

The treatment is performed in an office-setting and does not require incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. Accordingly, it’s an excellent option for men who want to address thinning or hair loss, without disruption to their busy schedules.

Who Is a Good Candidate for PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP hair restoration is ideal for any healthy man who’s seeking a safe, reliable, and effective method to regrow their own hair.

It works especially well for patients who are unable or unwilling to undergo surgery, wish to avoid artificial-looking results, and have not experienced desired effects with creams or other treatment options.

What Happens During PRP Hair Restoration for Men?

A typical PRP treatment takes 30-60 minutes and begins with a simple blood draw. The sample of the patient’s blood is then placed in a centrifuge in order to separate platelet-rich plasma from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells.

Next, PRP, full of desirable growth factors, is injected into thinning and balding areas of the scalp. Subsequently, PRP activates stem cells in inactive hair follicles and promotes cellular growth and proliferation.

As a result of this process, patients will note increased hair thickness, length, and density.

How Long is Recovery?

Many patients elect to undergo PRP hair restoration for men because of its lack of downtime. In fact, most individuals take the rest of the afternoon to relax and then resume all normal activities the following day.

It’s also worth mentioning that there aren’t any incisions to care for or anesthesia to recover from post-treatment.

Get Started with PRP Hair Restoration for Men

If you are interested in naturally re-growing your own hair with PRP hair restoration for men, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced providers.

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