Latisse: The Miracle Worker for Long Lush Lashes

You can toss out that mascara claiming to give you the look of longer, thicker lashes because Latisse is guaranteed to give you just that. Latisse is the only FDA approved, prescription drug to enhance eyelashes. The product has been on the market since 2008 and millions of prescribe users are seeing gorgeous results. If you’re still a skeptic about this beauty drug, here’s what you need to know.

Latisse solution is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate eyelashes) used to grow lashes, making them longer, thicker and darker.

The full growth cycle of an eyelash is typically one to two months. The lash sprouts, grows and transitions to a resting phase just before falling out.  Latisse works by extending the growth phase and stimulates melanin in the follicles, so lashes grow darker as well. The full treatment takes 16 weeks but you can be sure to see results as soon as three to four weeks tops.

Latisse is applied by dabbing the product to the upper lash line each night using the sterile applicators supplied. There’s no need (and is not recommended) to apply to the product to the lower lid since enough of the drug will spread to the lower lash as you blink. Using Latisse will also force good nightly skincare habits, as the product should be applied to a clean, makeup free face and contact lenses off.

There may be side effects when using the product but fortunately, they are not common. Since Latisse is made of a drug also used to treat glaucoma, it is not harmful if the product accidentally gets into your eyes. Some users have experienced dry eyes, redness and itchiness but many say those side effects last only a few days. Skin darkening of the eyelid can occur but is not permanent and can be reversible once you stop using the product. The manufacturer reports permanent brown pigmentation of the Iris but chances are very remote.

There’s no doubt that this product works. No longer do you need to shop for false lashes. Start your journey to full blown lashes with Latisse. Talk to a specialist to see if you’re the right candidate and get your prescription today.

For a limited time check out our Latisse promo here


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