What Is Kybella and How Does It Work?

Whether due to genetics, aging, or weight gain, a double chin can age men and women and make them appear heavier than they actually are.

But rather than undergoing liposuction to banish submental fat, many patients are turning to a non-surgical injectable treatment – Kybella.

Kybella dissolves and permanently destroys unwanted fat cells to help patients streamline their chin and jawline and improve their profile, without incisions, anesthesia, or a lengthy recovery.

If you’re curious about this treatment and wondering “What is Kybella and how does it work?” keep reading to learn what you can expect from the Kybella procedure and results.

Kybella – What Is It?

Kybella is a non-surgical treatment for submental fat also known as a double chin. It’s FDA-approved and an excellent alternative to liposuction because it has a zero downtime and doesn’t require incisions or general anesthesia.

Currently, Kybella is cleared to target localized fat under the chin, but researchers are studying its benefits elsewhere on the body, including bra fat, abdominal fat, and back fat.

That being said, many leading injectors are treating these areas already as “off-label” applications.

How Does It Work?

Kybella is comprised of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that naturally occurs in the body and breaks down dietary fat.

When this solution is injected under the chin, it destroys subcutaneous fat cells, which are then permanently eliminated through metabolic processes.

Why Try Kybella?

In addition to being safe and non-invasive, Kybella is also quick, the entire treatment takes as little as 30 minutes, and can even be performed on your lunchbreak.

Plus, it’s very well-tolerated by most patients, and a topical numbing agent or a local anesthetic can also be used to make Kybella injections virtually pain-free.

Are There Any Side Effects From Kybella?

While patients are free to return to work and resume normal activities after Kybella, they should keep in mind that they will likely experience some mild and temporary swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness.

However, these effects typically resolve on their own in one-to-two weeks.

Kybella Results – When Can They Be Seen? Are They Permanent?

For optimal outcomes, most individuals require an average of three Kybella treatments spaced six-to-eight weeks apart. But some patients need up to six sessions to achieve desired effects.

After two-to-four treatments, the submental fat under the chin gradually decreases, revealing improved contours of the neck and jawline. These benefits are permanent as long as a relatively stable weight is maintained.

If you are considering Kybella for your double chin, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly-skilled and talented injectors.

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