Just In Time: Look Great for the Holidays with These Fabulous Treatments

2013 was a tough year for the government, Miley Cyrus, and the Redskins. If it was tough year for your skin or your body, here are five options from DC Derm Docs to help you get ready in time for all the parties and holiday festivities.

Injectables: Botox and Dysport

Botox® prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles and diminishes the appearance of lines you already have. You’ll get immediate results with no downtime. The treatment takes 10 to 15 minutes and results last up to 5 months!
Dysport™ is a cosmetic injectable that is approved by the FDA to temporarily reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. The most commonly treated areas are the forehead, crow’s feet, and the glabella (area between the brows). The treatment only takes a few minutes and lasts between three and five months.

Our SilkPeel uses microdermabrasion to easily exfoliate the skin and stimulate cell growth, significantly reducing the presence of fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and leaves your skin feeling noticeably softer, smoother, and glowing.

Mama didn’t make you drink milk for no reason! Calcium is wonderful for your skin. Radiesse is a calcium-based gel that helps add volume to lackluster skin. Once injected with Radiesse, your body is stimulated to naturally create new collagen, improving fine line, folds and wrinkles almost immediately. And don’t worry about it wearing off in the days between Christmas and New Years. Radiesse give you a natural, youthful look for at least a year.

Vanquish, the newest non-invasive body contouring treatment, is the first that incorporates
“focused-field radio frequency” to destroy fat without touching the patient’s body. Vanquish targets the stomach, love handles and problem areas that diet and exercise don’t fix. You can lose up to three inches with just four weekly 30 minute treatments.

For a limited time, DC Derm Docs is offering a 35% discount on Vanquish treatments.

Fraxel targets your face, neck, chest and hands with a two-in-one laser machine that treast unwanted signs of aging without breaking the skin. Fraxel not only rejuvenates your skin, but it also corrects acne scars, wrinkles, age spots, and more. In 20-25 minutes, you can turn the clock backwards for your skin and you can go back to work the next day.

In December, DC Derm Docs is offering 10% off a single Fraxel treatment and 20% off a four-treatment package.

What are you waiting for? DC Derm Docs can get you holiday-ready before you can say Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Call (202) 822-9591 or visit us at www.dc-dermdocs.com.

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