Is Kybella in DC Safe?

Is Kybella in DC Safe as an Injectable for Treating a Double Chin?

If you haven’t already heard about this newer aesthetic treatment, Kybella is a remarkable cosmetic injection that has made a difference in the lives of many patients and helped increase their confidence.

If you’re considering this injectable treatment that melts away chin fat, you’re probably wondering, “Is Kybella in DC safe?” So, let’s take a closer look.

What’s the Scoop on Kybella?

Submental fullness, or “double chin” is something that many people struggle with. It can happen as part of the aging process, or it can be genetic. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable that treats submental fullness, eliminating stubborn under-chin fat that doesn’t go away with diet and exercise.

Why Choose Kybella? Is Kybella in DC Safe?

There are many benefits to Kybella. Two huge benefits of Kybella are that it is non-surgical and doesn’t require general anesthesia, making it a possibility for those who don’t like the risks of surgery and going under. Most patients who use this cosmetic injection experience little to no downtime after the procedure is complete. Another big benefit? A boost in self-confidence as you regain your youthful appearance and improve your profile!

Kybella is safe for patient use and has undergone many tests and trials, gaining FDA approval. Treatment takes typically less than 20 minutes, and Kybella results can last a long time. In fact, since Kybella destroys fat cells in the area and they can never return, your results may be permanent. But, it does take work, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising, to keep other fat cells from taking their place.

Are You Ready to Regain Your Youthful Appearance and Confidence?

If you’ve been struggling with submental fullness, and you’re ready to do something about it, it’s time to book Kybella in DC. You now have an answer to an important question, “Is Kybella in DC safe,” so what are you waiting for? Call us today at 202-822-9591 to schedule an appointment, and ask about our cosmetic packages to help you save when treating multiple areas!

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