How Much Bruising Should I Expect With Dermal Fillers?

When considering an aesthetic treatment such as dermal filler injections, it is normal to want to know about what side effects you can expect.

Wondering how much bruising should I expect with dermal fillers? Here is what you need to know about the amount of bruising you may experience after filler injections.

How Much Bruising Should I Expect With Dermal Fillers?

Bruising happens in about 19% to 24% of filler patients, though by some estimates that number is much higher. The reason that bruising is a common side effect of dermal fillers is that small blood vessels may be damaged during the injections.

Several things can affect the amount you bruise, so it can be hard to predict the exact amount you may have. In general, you can assume that your bruising will last three to five days.

How Can I Reduce Bruising With Dermal Fillers?

You can reduce or prevent bruising after dermal filler injections by taking certain measures before, during, and after your treatment.

A week before treatment, you should discontinue blood thinning medications / supplements that your healthcare professional says you may stop, such as ibuprofen. You should also avoid blood-thinning foods and beverages such as garlic, green tea, and alcohol for several days before your treatment.

The key to reducing bruising after Restylane or other filler injections is to find a provider who has the experience to skillfully apply your filler. An expert injector is knowledgeable about facial anatomy and takes special care to inject properly.

Reduce the risk of bruising after your injections by avoiding alcohol and avoiding exercise, as well as putting pressure on your treatment area for a few days after treatment.

Choose DC Derm Docs For Amazing Dermal Fillers!

Now that you know the answer to your question, “How much bruising should I expect with dermal fillers,” you are ready to book your consultation to see if this amazing treatment is right for you!

Less bruising and excellent results start with a skilled and experienced specialist. DC Derm Docs is proud of our staff and their ability to provide high-quality care. Make your appointment with us by calling 202-822-9591 today!

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