How Much Are Dermal Fillers in Washington DC?

Beauty is an investment, but many patients are curious to know the answer to the question “how much are dermal fillers in Washington DC?

It is always a good plan to have an idea about the cost of a filler treatment to plan for future expenses.

What Is The Average Cost of Dermal Fillers?

The cost of your dermal fillers will vary depending on where you receive them and how many units are injected.

However, below is the average cost of some of the most popular dermal fillers according to a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2019.

  • Calcium hydoxylapatite fillers (ex: Radiesse): $690
  • Fat grafting: $2163
  • Hyaluronic Acid fillers (ex: Juvederm, Restylane): $652
  • Platelet Rich Plasma: $653
  • Polylactic acid fillers (ex: Sculptra): $878

What Factors Affect the Cost of Dermal Fillers?

There are always many factors that can impact the final cost of your filler treatment.

The geographic location of the office and the expertise level of your injector can raise or lower the cost.

Moreover, the number of units injected and areas treated will drive up your final cost as well.

Lastly, many offices may charge differently depending on the time and effort required to perform injections.

How to Get the Best Filler Treatments

While it may be tempting to scour the internet for the best bargain on dermal fillers, this may not be the safest option for you.

In fact, the only way to ensure that you are being treated safely, and effectively is by seeking out the services of a board-certified physician with extensive experience working with fillers.

How Much Are Dermal Fillers in Washington DC?

At DC Derm Docs we are proud to offer the latest and greatest technologies and treatments to help you achieve your ideal aesthetic including dermal fillers.

Call us today to schedule a consultation with a member of our team or to learn more about filler treatment cost, (202)822-9591.

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