How Long Should IPL Last?

Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is known to produce amazing skin results when it comes to reducing discoloration and reducing fine lines.

Before getting this fantastic treatment, you may want to know how long should IPL last.

Here is what you need to know about the longevity of IPL rejuvenation and how you can make your results last longer.

Just How Long Should IPL Last?

The answer to this will vary person to person. However, the results are usually visible for six months to one year depending on a number of factors. These results can be maintained with repeat treatments.

How Can I Make IPL Rejuvenation Results Last Longer?

There are a few simple steps that you can take to prolong your beautiful IPL results. The most important thing you can do is take good care of your skin. You can do this by reducing your exposure to the sun by wearing sunscreen and a sun hat.

Make sure that you are carefully following your skin care routine and that you are using plenty of antioxidants, exfoliants,  and moisturizers. Using a retinoid will help stimulate collagen and elastin production.

You can also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy fruits and vegetables.

Another way to extend the results of your IPL treatment is by combining this treatment with other treatments. For example, getting a chemical peel along with your IPL treatment can encourage collagen production and cell turnover.

Your specialist may give you specific steps to follow before and after treatment so your results last a long time. Follow these carefully to enjoy your glowing skin longer!

For All the Benefits of Amazing IPL Treatment, Come to DC Derm Docs

Now that you understand the answer to your question, “How long should IPL last,” you’re ready to book this outstanding skincare treatment.

DC Derm Docs provides the highest quality IPL treatments available. Call our skilled team today at 202-822-9591 for revitalized skin!

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