Hard Water: Its Harsh Effects On Your Skin

Sometimes it can feel like you are a detective when on the hunt for the source of your skin problems. You’ve cut out greasy foods from your diet and ditched the oil-based products from your skincare routine, yet you can’t seem to find the root of the problem. Did you know water could be the culprit to the mystery of your skin problem? Well, hard water that is…

Hard water is classified by water having over 61 milligrams of dissolved calcium and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium residues left on your skin after washing your face or taking a shower with soap can be the causes of common skin reactions such as atopic dermatitis, xerosis, pruritus and eczema.The main effect hard water has on the skin is creating excessive dryness. When the calcium and magnesium minerals dry on your skin it clogs your pores, causes flaking and your skin becomes incredibly itchy. Dry skin can also lead your body to overproduce its natural oils which can be a cause of sudden acne breakouts.

There are signs you can look for to determine if you have hard water. If your soap is not lathering sufficiently, you have low water pressure, or you feel a film of soap left on your skin after a shower, it may be an indication of high amounts of calcium and magnesium in your water. But, the best way to test if you do have hard water is to purchase an at-home water test or request a test through your water utility company.

If you do have hard water, there is no need to panic, as it doesn’t pose any threat to your overall health. Dermatologists recommend switching to a gentle face and body cleanser that uses “chelating agents” such as citric acid or sodium phytate which are ingredients that prevent residue from being left on your skin. And because dryness is one of the larger effects of hard water, investing in a nutrient-rich moisturizer will help bring moisture back to your skin after a hot shower.

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