Free Emsculpt Consult: Try Kim Kardashian Workout

While Kim Kardashian often documents her early morning training sessions on Instagram. She also shares her affinity for non-surgical body contouring treatments like Emsculpt.

In a recent episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim underwent Emsculpt on her abdomen to build muscle and blast unwanted fat.

If you want to take your body to the next level and try Kim Kardashian’s workout, it’s time to schedule a free Emsculpt consult and learn all about this revolutionary treatment.

What Is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a noninvasive muscle building treatment that’s designed for toning and fat reduction. It is noticeably different from other technologies that target muscle or fat, but not both.

What’s more, Emsculpt is the world’s first noninvasive butt lift and can repair separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) without surgery.

What Happens During an Emsculpt Session?

At your free Emsculpt consult, our certified body contouring specialists will carefully assess self-identified trouble spots and develop your customized treatment plan. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions and gain a better understanding of the treatment process.

On the day of your procedure, you will be seated in a reclined positon, and an Emsculpt paddle will be secured to your abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.

As the device applies electromagnetic energy, you will feel noticeable muscle contractions, followed by tapping to break-up lactic acid. While these sensations may be initially surprising, they are not uncomfortable or painful.

Following your 30-minute Emsculpt treatment, you are free to resume all activities and go about your day as you normally would. The next day, you will likely feel some muscle soreness in the targeted area.

What to Expect from Emsculpt Results?

If you decide to try Kim Kardashian’s workout and undergo Emsculpt, you will note visible improvement within 2-4 weeks. Over the course of the next three-to-six months, muscles will become firmer and stronger and bothersome bulges will fade away.

Want to Try Kim Kardashian’s Workout? Call Today to Schedule a Free Emsculpt Consult

If you are interested in noninvasive muscle building and fat reduction, please call our office today to schedule a free Emsculpt consult with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.

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