Five Skincare Tips to ‘Fall’ For by DC Dermatologists

This summer you’ve spent time at the beach, pool and barbecues, which causes a lot of damage to your skin. The combination of salt water from beaches, chlorine in pool water and overexposure to the sun’s UV rays is proven to cause dry, damaged skin. With the effects from summer and the cold weather that approaches with winter, your skin will need a good skincare routine during fall. Follow these five tips for fabulous, healthy skin.

1. Switch it Up:
Don’t be afraid to change up your skincare routine for the fall. Some skincare products work differently in the fall than they do in the summer. As the weather gets colder, use a more moisturizing cleanser instead of the oil-free product you were using in the summer. There are also moisturizers that may not be for fall, so why you should be cautious about updating your skincare routine, don’t be afraid to switch it up.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Fall and winter can bring drier air, which can affect your skin’s natural moisture. To keep your skin soft and moisturized, try a weekly or biweekly hydration treatment. DIY hydrating masks can be made at home with ingredients from your pantry. Try mixing mashed bananas, avocados, honey, yogurt, olive oil, oatmeal, apply and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes.

3. Healthy Skin Starts with YOU
For glowing skin, you need to be healthy within by drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet. Staying hydrated will keep your skin moisturized, and eating foods rich in healthy unsaturated will help keep you skin looking its best.

4. Keep it simple:
As we tend to change up our skin care routines, for the fall you may want to keep it a little simple. In the summer we tend to do extra because of the sweat and other bacterias we want to diminish off of our faces, but it’s fall time, so it’s good to keep it simple. Cleanse, moisturize and protect.

We never want to forget the feet. During the summer we tend to wear flip flops, sandals and all other open toe shoes which exposes our feet to any and everything. Our feet is one thing that can not moisturize itself, so we have to give extra care to them. So keep them clean and moisturized to get rid of any cracks you may find.

Follow these tips to keep your skin silky smooth throughout Fall.

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