Emsculpt vs. CoolSculpting: Which is Better?

Like many men and women, you may be frustrated with a flabby belly that doesn’t seem to improve no matter how much you diet and exercise.

Rather than remaining unsatisfied with your body or undergoing a surgical procedure, you should consider a non-invasive body contouring treatment like CoolSculpting or Emsculpt.

These two procedures are both FDA-approved and require zero downtime, but which is right for you? Keep reading to learn all about Emsculpt vs. CoolSculpting and how to decide if one is better than the other for your specific concerns and goals.

What Is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that’s taking body contouring to the next level. That’s because unlike current technologies, Emsculpt can eliminate fat and build muscle for a more toned appearance.

In addition, it’s the world’s first and only non-invasive butt lift that offers a firmer and tighter backside without anesthesia, incisions, or downtime.

Emsculpt has also been shown to improve diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles) in seven clinical studies.

How Does Emsculpt Work?

Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy, Emsculpt forces 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions in the abdomen and buttocks. This process leads to lipolysis and reduction of subcutaneous fat as well as muscle growth and strengthening.

What Is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting is another non-surgical body contouring treatment that uses cooling technology to freeze unwanted fat in the abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms, and chin.

As a result, it destroys fat cells in the targeted area, which are subsequently eliminated from the body over the next several months.

Emsculpt vs. Coolsculpting – Which Is Best for You?

Deciding between Emsculpt and CoolSculpting often depends on each person’s concerns, goals, and anatomy.

That being said, CoolSculpting may be the best option if you only want to reduce isolated pockets of fat in various parts of the body.

However, if you are concerned about muscle tone and adding definition to your physique, only Emsculpt can offer both of these benefits. Emsculpt is also the obvious choice for patients that want to lift their buttocks or repair diastasis recti after pregnancy or a workout injury.

Finally, while both procedures have zero recovery, Emsculpt may be better for those seeking a quick treatment time and fast onset of results.

More specifically, Emsculpt sessions are spaced days apart, instead of weeks, and each session takes just 30 minutes.

Therefore, it’s not surprising that patients note results sooner from Emsculpt (two-to-four weeks after the last treatment) than CoolSculpting (six-to-eight weeks after first session, with three months between treatments).

To learn more about Emsculpt and CoolSculpting, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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