Emsculpt Results in Washington DC

If you’re trying to contour your body, but exercising and dieting just cannot get rid of some stubborn fat, you’ve probably heard about Emsculpt. It gets rid of fat and additionally increases muscle.

However, the results you get from Emsculpt are not permanent. But neither are the results you get from regularly working out. If you want to maintain a toned body, you must live a healthy, active life.

Your Emsculpt results will stick around if you are committed to eating right and exercising regularly.

Commit To the Treatment Plan

Completing all your initial treatments is an easy way to maintain results. One of the most important factors of having successful results with the Emsculpt procedure is the amount of treatment sessions that you do. Patients are usually recommended to complete four 30-minute sessions with a 2-3 day gap between the sessions. Some notice results after their first treatment, but satisfaction is especially high when all the sessions are completed.

Continue To Stay Active

An active lifestyle is essential to maintaining a toned body. Regularly working out will help you stay toned. If you have trouble figuring out what is going to help you, try looking into hiring a personal trainer.

Most gyms have personal trainers on their staff. They’ll be able to show you new workouts and will be there to hold you accountable. If it isn’t perfect for you, you can still learn all you can from them and then continue to do the workouts on your own.

Eat Healthy

Many people also benefit from talking to a nutritionist about what they should be eating. A nutritionist will be able to give advice and answer any questions you may have about your eating habits. Like a personal trainer, they’ll also be able to hold you accountable with your diet.

If the Emsculpt procedure sounds right for you, call DC Derm Docs at (202) 822-9591 to schedule your consultation today!

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