Don’t Let the Cold Winter Air Dry Out Your Skin

Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Winter’s on its way! It might just be October, but the colder weather can wreak havoc on your skin if you don’t take care of it.  “The change in temperature and drier air can dry out your skin,” says DC Derm Docs’ Dr. Dale Isaacson.  Add, Dr. Marilyn Berzin, “Fortunately there are things you can do to keep it looking vibrant and youthful when the winter months arrive.”

1. Lay it on thick

Lotion that is! Not just on your face either. Make sure you moisturize your entire body. Harsh winds and cold air can draw the moisture out of skin, even the parts that are covered. Shea butter is the best ingredient to lock in the moisture for your precious skin.

2. Drink up

While many may associate drinking lots of water with the summer months, it is still equally as important to hydrate when it is cold. Drinking water promotes good health, and a healthy body is a glowing body, so bottom’s up!

3. Here comes the sun

It may be cold, but the sun is still out and its rays are just as damaging. It is equally as important to wear sunscreen in the winter as it is in the summer. Look for moisturizers containing SPF 15. They will help protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays while still giving you the moisture you desperately need.

4. Pucker up

There aren’t many fashionable ways to cover your lips from the cold, so make sure you use lots of lip balm to protect them.  Make sure your balm contains shea butter, the holy grail of moisturizers. It will make sure your lips are pucker-ready at all times.

5. Protect your piggies

Pedicures are relaxing but nail polish remover isn’t great for your skin. It pulls the moisture out the skin surrounding and underneath the nail and causes the skin to become dry and eventually cracked. Try a foot moisturizing regimen every so often to restore lost moisture in your feet.

Be kind to your skin and protect it at all times during the winter months and you won’t end up looking like Frosty the Snowman!

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