Daxxify in DC

daxxify in dcdaxxify in dc

What is this new, somewhat mysterious anti-wrinkle injectable? How does it stand up when compared to similar treatments? Keep reading to learn about Daxxify in DC: all about longer-lasting Botox. 

Why Is Daxxify Unique?

Most neurotoxins contain animal and human byproducts, but Daxxify (or Daxi) does not. Instead, it utilizes a special peptide technology that allows for the product to stick to nerve cells faster and for longer. 

What Should I Know About Side Effects?

Daxxify side effects are really no different than with other injectables. The most common are bruising, swelling, and red bumps at the injection sites and they typically subside within a week. The risk of serious adverse reactions is extremely low. 

How Quickly Can I Expect Results, and How Long Do They Last?

When learning facts regarding Daxxify in DC: all about longer-lasting Botox, it is important to mention results. This is what truly makes this treatment stand head and shoulders above the rest!

Brands like Botox and Dysport can take several days to show improvement. Many patients have noticed visible changes in their appearance within 24 hours after Daxi injections. 

What is even more remarkable is the longevity of results. The typical duration for neurotoxins is three to four months. Daxxify can last six months or longer! 

Choose a Reputable Provider to Further Explore Daxxify in DC: All About Longer Lasting Botox During a Consultation

This meeting is the perfect time to ask questions and discover more about this innovative treatment! A medical evaluation and skin assessment are done during this meeting to ensure your safety and develop a plan to achieve your desired outcome. 

Turn to DC Derm Docs to Experience the Best Kind of Beauty Boost!

We are happy to answer your questions and book your appointment when you call us at (202) 664-8342. Our team believes in the transformative power of Daxxify, and once you have seen your results, we believe you’ll feel the same!

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