Consistent sunscreen use slows aging in middle-aged adults

Did you know new research provides some of the strongest evidence that daily sunscreen use slows skin aging? Dermatologists have long urged daily sunscreen use to prevent wrinkles and aging, but it hasn’t been proven until now.

An Australian study of 903 adults younger than 55 compared those randomly assigned to use SPF 15 sunscreen daily to those who used it when they thought they needed it. The groups had similar characteristics such as phenotype, sun exposure, and pretrial sunscreen use during the study period. Participants’ use of other sun protective measures like seeking shade and wearing hats was also similar.

After 4.5-years, researchers found that those slathering on sunscreen everyday demonstrated 24% less skin aging than discretionary users.

“As a dermatologist, I have always encouraged my patients to apply sunscreen daily; however, not all patients heed my advice,” DC Derm Docs’ Dr. Dale Isaacson said. “This statistically significant result may be exactly what we need to catch the sun worshippers’ attention.”

Sun overexposure, especially in childhood, is linked to a greater risk for melanoma skin cancer, a deadly yet preventable disease. If daily sunscreen use not only reduces your risk for melanoma but keeps you from aging, why not use it?

According to Dr. Marilyn Berzin, “Year-round sunscreen use is a win-win: sunscreen will keep you healthier and keep you looking young.”

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States — one person dies from melanoma skin cancer every hour. Don’t be another statistic. Heed your dermatologists’ warnings, slather on sunscreen as part of your daily routine, and wear a hat, sunglasses and protective clothing when outdoors.

Be your youngest you and your healthiest you.

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