Not everyone gets to be a celebrity, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all look like we just won an Oscar. Dr. Marilyn Berzin was recently featured on the Valder Beebe Show, where she discussed how to get that “red carpet” look with the help of some of the latest technologies and treatments in cosmetic dermatology. If you’re looking to…
If the risk of cancer, heart attacks or strokes is not enough to deter you from smoking, the damage it does to your skin should be. A recent study involving twins showed the twin who smoked for a longer period of time looked 57% older than the other twin. In this study, both twins smoked; however, the twin who looked…
Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Winter’s on its way! It might just be October, but the colder weather can wreak havoc on your skin if you don’t take care of it. “The change in temperature and drier air can dry out your skin,” says DC Derm Docs’ Dr. Dale Isaacson. Add, Dr. Marilyn Berzin, “Fortunately there are things you can do…
If you want to have soft, glowing skin like a baby, you need to sleep like a baby! A recent study at the University Hospitals (UH) Case Medical Center in Cleveland indicated that the amount of sleep you get heavily determines your skin’s youthfulness and ability to recover from everyday stressors. Sleep deprivation can increase the signs of aging in…
Finally! If you want to drop a dress size or more and get liposuction-like results without surgery, there’s a brand new, pain-free and noninvasive procedure that you can have done during your lunch hour. Called Vanquish, the new procedure targets the stomach and flanks (aka “love handles). DC Derm Docs are the first and only doctors in the DC area to offer…
Surprisingly, it’s not just female celebrities like Joan Rivers who turn to Botox as the magic cure for turning back time and smoothing wrinkles. Men do too. Welcome to the era of men’s Botox, also known as “Brotox” or “Boytox.”
Did you know new research provides some of the strongest evidence that daily sunscreen use slows skin aging? Dermatologists have long urged daily sunscreen use to prevent wrinkles and aging, but it hasn’t been proven until now. An Australian study of 903 adults younger than 55 compared those randomly assigned to use SPF 15 sunscreen daily to those who used it…