Can I Have a Glass of Wine After Getting Botox?

Wait to Partake, or Can I Have a Glass of Wine After Getting Botox?

Botox can be a brilliant option to erase wrinkles on your face, but will your evening glass of a good merlot or pinot ruin your results?

We’re going to demystify one of the most common questions since Botox hit the scene almost two decades ago: “Can I have a glass of wine after getting Botox?”

How Does Alcohol Impact Botox?

Aside from a buzz, there are a few things that alcohol does to your body. First and foremost, alcohol is known to dehydrate you, especially if you’re treating yourself to quite a few glasses. It also dehydrates your skin, which can increase the likelihood of side effects like bruising and swelling.

Additionally, alcohol thins your blood. Why does this matter? It can result in the Botox spreading to places you’re not looking to treat, leading to less than desirable results. It can also cause what’s known as Botox bruising, meaning you are much more likely to bruise at the injection site.

So… Can I Have a Glass of Wine After Getting Botox – Is That Okay?

The bottom line? One glass of wine after Botox probably isn’t going to ruin your results. So, if you’re simply having one glass while you watch your favorite TV show, you should be fine. On the other hand, if you’re headed to a big event like a reunion or wedding where one glass just won’t do it, schedule your appointment for a day or two in advance of your big day.

Now that you’ve gotten your answer to “Can I have a glass of wine after getting Botox,” it’s time to schedule your appointment! At DC Derm Docs, our award-winning doctors will tailor a treatment plan unique to your goals. Contact us today at 202-822-9591 to take the first step to regain your youthful, wrinkle-free skin!

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