While diastasis recti is routinely recognized as an issue that women face during and after pregnancy, the condition can also affect men.
Those that are familiar with diastasis recti often identify it as an issue that women commonly experience post-pregnancy.
With age, most men experience a decrease in collagen that presents as loose skin, saggy cheeks, folds, and jowls as well as an accumulation of fat around the abdomen and flanks.
Over the past five years, demand for non-invasive fat reduction has continued to rise
The Non-Invasive, Pain-Free, and Zero-Downtime Treatment for Burning Fat and Building Muscle
Despite our best efforts, we are sometimes unable to tone and sculpt our bodies through diet and exercise alone.
Emsculpt is a groundbreaking, non-surgical procedure that can simultaneously burn fat and build muscle for a well-defined abdomen.
Emsculpt is a breakthrough in non-invasive body shaping because it’s the first FDA-approved treatment that simultaneously burns fat and builds muscle.
Whether due to increasing age or working a desk job for 10 hours a day, many women struggle with belly fat that affects their appearance and self-confidence.
You’ve tried low carb diets, sugar elimination, spinning, Pilates, and countless crunches and planks, but your ab flab just won’t bulge.