5 Tips for Finding the Best Filler Injector in Washington DC

Best Filler Injector DC

The rising popularity of dermal fillers means that more and more injectors are picking up syringes and offering enhancements. However, not all of these providers have the necessary training, qualifications, and experience to deliver safe and effective outcomes. Here are 5 tips to help you find the best filler injector for your needs and goals.

5 Tips for Finding the Best Filler Injector

1. Understand the Different Types of Dermal Fillers

Different dermal fillers are designed to address different concerns and areas of the face. As such, it’s important to distinguish between hyaluronic acid fillers, like Juvederm and Restylane, and collagen-stimulating fillers, like Sculptra and Radiesse.

This information will help you determine which product is best-suited to your individual needs and goals and will prevent you from being overwhelmed when making a selection.

2. Don’t Select Your Injector Based on Price Alone

When it comes to finding the best filler injector, you get what you pay for.

A highly skilled board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon will likely charge more for his services compared to a midlevel practitioner or non-medical professional. Accordingly, be prepared to pay a premium for the injector’s expertise and don’t shop around for the lowest price.

3. Ask Who Will be Performing Your Injections

There are an increasing number of med spas, salons, and walk-in clinics that offer filler treatments at the direction of a “supervising physician.”

Patients shouldn’t assume that this physician will be performing their treatment. Rather, they should explicitly ask who does the actual injections and what are their qualifications, experience, and level of expertise.

4. Be Upfront and Honest About What Bothers You

The best filler injector not only has extensive experience and advanced training, she also takes the time to talk to each patient and understand his or her goals. That being said, you should be prepared to articulate exactly what bothers you and not feel shy about expressing your concerns.

5. Know How Long Filler Results Last

Even in the hands of the best filler injector, filler results are temporary. For this reason, it’s important to ask how long you can expect filler effects to last before undergoing injections.

Looking for an Expert Injector in DC?

If you are looking for the best filler injector, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified dermatologists and leading injectors Dr. Dale Isaacson and Dr. Marilyn Berzin.

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