
Cellulite Treatments: Valuable Advice from Your Cellulite Specialist in Washington, DC

Did you know over 90% of women have cellulite somewhere on their body? If you’re part of that 90%, then you’ll be excited by this news from a cellulite specialist in Washington, DC about your non-surgical cosmetic treatment options to eliminate it.

Safe and effective treatment is available and you should reap the benefits!

Let’s Take a Look at QWO

A revolutionary cosmetic injectable, Qwo smooths skin without the need for incisions or anesthesia. It successfully breaks down the bands of collagen that cause skin dimpling.

It’s painless, and in most cases not even a topical cream is needed to numb the area before treatment! You might experience a bit of soreness afterward but this goes away quickly on its own.

Sculptra Is a Great Option, Too!

Also an injectable, Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid injected into the treatment area to help eliminate cellulite dimpling.

Once injected, collagen builds up around the area, which causes skin tissue to thicken. This results in less dimpling and smoother skin.

You’ll see an 80% improvement in the treated areas over time. While results vary for each person, it’s possible to see continued improvement for quite some time.

How Do I Maintain the Results of My Cellulite Treatments?

While it’s true anyone can have cellulite, thin or overweight or anywhere in between, there are things you can do to help keep it at bay. Eating healthy, of course, is always good for you.

Your cellulite specialist in Washington, DC also recommends building muscle to help skin appear smoother. Replacing fat with muscle also makes cellulite less visible.

Ready to Meet the Best Cellulite Specialist in Washington, DC? Make This Call!

For amazing results, trust the our experts at Derm Docs! Contact us at 202-882-9591 to book your appointment and learn more about cellulite treatment options.

It’s time you destroyed those unsightly dimples and enjoyed smoother skin!

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